622-Banco casino eliptical chandeliers in Košice, SK

Golden fibre optic crystall chandeliers to match  nicely casino's dark concept

Dark concept interiors can be sometimes tricky to design. Thank to our unique collection of TWIRL, which perfectly supports such interior concepts, it is easy. 
TWIRL chandelier is designed with 3 main details : 
1. Chandelier shape and volume  is made of crystalls (various shapes, sizes, finish upon request) which perfectly blends with interior yet provides a visual sparks.    
2. Crystall are hanging on thin transparent fibre optics, which provide light right into the glass, without glare for users, which brings light tight to the glass, so it can glow nicely
3. Frameless miniature downlights, which are invisible if powered off. If powered ON, it provides main power lighting only for the surface area bellow, not interfering with the fibre optic or crystall design.

So airy and transparent chandelier nicely supports black concept interiors and adds a touch of uniqueness to the interior.

For more technical informations, see our TWIRL PRODUCT page

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